How the prehistorical men at the beginning knew how to make sex and to make kids ?
How the first prehistoric man knew hot to take his penis and stick it into the woman's vagina ? They were to stupid ? And when a prehistoric man had an erection how he knew what to do with it ?
Best answer:
Answer by Dr. Alex When the first humans came about, they had come from apes due to evolution. Apes, as animals (NB humans are also animals) naturally took to sex like a fish to water! This is the same as eating, breathing, pooping, etc! These are all natural things that we do not have to learn. Did anyone teach you to breathe? No. Sex is a natural thing that just happens.
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Want, control, Tell, birth, ready
by renaissancechambara
Question by QueenBeeNumbaOne:
how do you tell your mom your ready for sex and want birth control?
like i don't want to disappoint my mom. i want her to always be proud of me. but i think i'm ready for sex. i know she will still love me. sex makes skipping class for lunch once and getting and extended detention look small, lol. that worse thing i did all year. but i know i'm ready i'm strong enough to handle it.
Best answer:
Answer by Deacon You sound pretty confident, honestly. Just try talking to her.
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Question by James Matheson: Man and Woman... who is the most beautiful?
In media we studied a lot about sex, gender and areas focusing on the depiction of men and woman as they are viewed in movies, fashion etc. When comparing men with woman it is more obvious to the eye that woman are beautifuler then men in every conceivable way. Look at the film 300, the men in that were meant to depict the fullest that men could achieve in fitness and all other areas of heterosexual depiction. Now can anyone honestly tell me they thought that the bulky men in 300 were sexy? When compared to woman in films, or any film for that matter where attraction was concerned, woman are always sexy and I have heard from both genders on this, and they agree with me. This can also relate to the same sex areas. Man on Man action can be fetish but at the same time many can not truly say that they find the idea of man on another man hot, while a woman on woman relationship is opposite. In fact, many including woman find the a woman sex relationship to be beautiful. The idea of two attractive bodies intermingling is believed to be a beautiful thing, at least physically.
I don't know if the whole of the world agrees of disagrees, all I know is that the majority I have spoken to (which is mostly woman) do agree that lesbian relationships appear more beautiful and erotic than the homosexual relationship, all because of visual and action.
What do you think? NOTE: I didn't say men were ugly in anyway or form, only that when compared to the beauty of a woman they are just not as attractive.
Best answer:
Answer by Fire Armored Raven I found them(the men of 300) to be very sexy. So yes I can honestly say they are sexy men. I have never found a woman to be as sexy as a man. Maybe because I am a woman.
Big laugh: The 2011 Ha!ifax ComedyFest is coming for you
The 2011 Ha!ifax ComedyFest is sixteen years old; a time typically associated with awkward encounters with the opposite sex, problem skin and moodiness. Festival producer Kim Hendrickson says it plans on rebelling and breaking all the rules with the likes of Godfrey, Tim Steeves and Greg Hahn This year's festival also introduces you to soon-to-be legend Mark Sawatzky , says Hendrickson.รข¦ [ Read ...
THE Defence Force has been dealt another blow, with a female Australian Defence Force Academy cadet claiming a fellow cadet filmed them having sex and broadcast it to his friends.
Glasgow based line up featuring Remember Remember, Divorce, John Knox Sex Club, Fur Hood, Pro Life, North American War, The Cosmic Dead, Tangles, Gropetown, Ultimate Thrush and Holy Mountain at Glasgow Art School on 3rd March 2011.
Flip side of No Unlawful Sex
Image by larrybobsf
Quit your whoring now!
coco 500
Image by jeffc5000
coco 500 is actually a restaurant in SF, but the way it was being talked about in the office, it sounded more like a sex robot. this was an artist's rendition of how that robot might look. note the wheels for easy portability, the supple mouth, front and back hole (both mounted on the front for your convenience), the blinking lights to indicate arousal, the wet wipes dispenser on the side, and of course the flat head so you can rest your beer on top.
Should all murderers and sex offenders be a federal offense?
I mean, I think that they should all be federal cases where if given the death penalty it should be carried out in a year MAX. I also think that sex offenders should go to Federal prison and given implants of tracking devices where the government manages the movement of those offenders. Finally, I think a 3rd offense means life in prison without the possiblity of parole. These jails should be horribly bad and amnesty should be out the window. Drug dealers (not marijuana) should be sent here as well unless it is proven that the drugs being sold were created in the same state as the sale was in. What do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by Kevin W who are you!
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